When graduating from high school everybody cannot stop thinking about how college will be like. Will it be fun? Boring? Will I be successful in my classes? Will I ever make it through the endless number of exams coming up? However, the hardest question I found myself answering was: how will I integrate myself smoothly in a totally new environment and who will be the people that will be there for me since I’m so far away from home? You probably will say: “you already left your country once! Why would it be so scary to start again a second time?!” Well… It is not as easy as you think!
During my first weeks at SBCC I felt completely lost… I just talked with a few people in my classes, maybe have some lunch with a random new friend or two, but then? Yes.. I would just come back home, study, watch a movie on Netflix and go to bed. Zzz… Boooooring life!! After the first couple of weeks, I was convinced that college was an individualistic environment where everybody thinks about their own goals and future projects, but then I realized that I was just COMPLETELY WRONG! What I found out was that actually college is the greatest place to build communities and support each other! You just need to get INVOLVED and COMMIT to what you think is going to make you feel happy and satisfied! I know exactly that classes and studying are the main reasons why we go to school but involvement and community on campus are the two key words for a better life in college!
Honors Program Third Friday! |
Coming back to my lonely first weeks in college, I decided that my life had to change for the best. And when I decide something it needs to happen… So, I rolled up my sleeves and started to participate in many activities as possible. I decided to take part to every single event organized by the noble Honors Program or by the cool Phi Theta Kappa’, but especially I joined every single activity organized by the SBCC Ambassadors! I started to feel included, meet people and build essential connections for a better campus life. What turned out was that not only I could feel a sense of accomplishment, but I could also say that finally I had people I could rely on and spend time during empty evenings and weekends.
A Barbecue at my house with some Ambassadors!! |
Now that the third semester at SBCC has started I am more than excited to share my life surrounded by amazing people and engage in stimulating activities. In fact, this semester I can say that I am not part of just one community, but many different ones, and each one of them is offering something special that I will bring with me for the rest of my life. Just to give you a prospect of what I will be some of the things I will talk about in the future posts I am going to list here the main programs, clubs and activities I am taking part of:
- Honors Program along with its PODS Mentorship Initiative
- Ambassadors Program (Red is my favorite color as the Ambassadors is my favorite program)
- 2020 A Year Without War
- Phi Theta Kappa
- ESL Tutor
- Italian Reader
You should really check out the links I posted because these are really good programs and organizations everybody should join! They are my life now…
The Ambassadors Group for Fall 2016!! |
Oh, and about that Ambassadors Program in red… Well… The Ambassadors Program has been the one which helped me the most in feeling part of a community, and it also taught me a lot about people, how to interact with them and make them feel part of something great. In brief, the Ambassadors are really cool people who care about about building a community of openminded and active students at SBCC. In order to do so, the program organizes events and activities throughout the whole year to keep students engaged, and to create new strong relationships between SBCC students. In the Ambassadors program I met the coolest people who now I consider my best friends. I don’t only work with them but we also are the best buddies when it comes to study, hang out and eat together!!! FYI: if a table is particularly loud at the SBCC Luria Library, don’t worry, it means that a few Ambassadors meet up together randomly and started to productively study and spend time together…
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