Sunday, June 4, 2017

Post #60: Graduation.

I can’t believe I’m writing this post about my graduation three week after it actually happened.. I was so drained and I couldn’t handle typing on a computer anymore… Now I am visiting my really good friend and SBCC schoolmate Brian in his own country, Vietnam, and he is driving me toward Halong Bay… Yes, summer has started and traveling won’t stop until August! Ok.. I’m getting of topic so (even if I know that you would like to hear about my adventures in Vietnam), let’s talk about graduation and my last days in Santa Barbara!

Earning an Associate Degree is not as fancy as getting a Bachelor Degree after four years of sweet and tears, but it is still and important step to consider in one’s educational path. My parents never came to visit me in SB, and attending my SBCC graduation was the reason that pushed them over their comfort, zone and gave them a reason to come to a country where nobody speaks their native language. I was so happy that they joined me in this celebration, and that they had the chance to see how my life has been in these past two years. They adored Santa Barbara, they loved City College, they loved meeting all my friends, seeing my room and my little house, and they absolutely couldn’t stop telling me that if they knew before that I was living in paradise, they would have come more than a million times to visit me (LOL).

On graduation day, my dad brought me to buy a fancy dress, I did nails with my mum, we had lunch at Eureka!, and right before graduation I got my make up done at M.A.C. As a typical Italian family, we arrived 20 minutes late to the graduation, but I got lucky and I met up with all my wonderful friends. So many of us were graduating this semester, and, even if it sounds sad, we were like a family getting ready to part ways… It was the end of an astonishingly emotional two years. After the ceremony, my parents followed me everywhere but I couldn’t even pay attention to them because I had to many people to take pictures and say goodbye, too. Everywhere I would go, somebody was there ready to hug me and take one last picture together.. it was at the same time the saddest and happiest moment of my life… My parents and I left the stadium when basically everybody was already ordering food at the restaurant. We concluded the night with the nicest dinner with my friend Amber and her family at Zaytoon. I will miss everything and everyone so much… but I am sure other wonderful things are on their way to my life. Never stop dreaming. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Finally the Final Finals to Finalize

And here we are again for the fourth and last time: it is the end of the semester and finals week is here! I can’t believe that my time at SBCC is getting toward the end… It has already been two years? What?!? Who made time fly by so quickly? I feel like that I attended Vaquero Welcome just a couple of days ago, and that I haven’t spent more than a day with my closest friends… but you know, nothing can last forever. As professor and PTK advisor Eskandari once said: “change is the only constant in our lives”, and the faster we understand this, the easier it is to enjoy life at its fullest.

God bless iPath
This week I have four finals to prepare and I can't wait to get done with them. My first final was on Tuesday at 8:00am and I was feeling so tired and already soooooo done! Luckily, as I was walking zombie style across the bridge, the iPath program had set two tables, one filled with all the food necessary to get through the day, and one with blue books, scantrons and pencils. Thank god iPath takes care of all of us students… after my finals, I had lunch and then straight back to the UCSB library,

Fortunately, I faced this week with my friends… We would drive together to the library and support each other till late night. This finals week has been the most fun, tiring, sad, happy week out of all finals week at CC. In particular, this semester I have been doing so much that I feel so drained and ready to go back home. I know it is the end but I feel like I got out of City College everything I could, and it has given me more than enough to continue my education. I finished off this week with mixed feelings, but I believe everything just ended perfectly… Goodbye City College Classes!!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

SBCC Ambassadors CommUNITY Festival

It was weeks that the Ambassadors have been organizing the SBCC CommUNITY Festival and today it was the day for it to happen!! Teo, Bella and I were the leaders who directly communicated with Shelby about the decisions concerning the event, and then we would assign tasks to other ambassadors. It took so much of our efforts and I was really hoping that the festival would turn out great. In my head the festival would have attracted more that 200 people, however, the number of individuals who showed up was much lower!! Despite this little inconvenience, we still continued the festival and we had a wonderful time all together!!! This event was not only the LAST ambassadors event for the Spring 2017 semester, but it is also my LAST ambassadors event ever!!!

I got to Pershing Park at 1 p.m. and the gloomy weather wasn’t really promising… However, the awesome spirit that dominates every ambassador was sparking in the air, and by 2 o’clock music and art started to spread allover the place. It was such a chill and relaxed environment, and it was impossible to not feel the vibes and enjoy the time spent together. We were making mandalas while listening to music, or we were painting banners, sharing our artistic creations. I went even further and face painted a friend of mine, Anthony. At the end of my artistic work he didn’t seem really happy… But you know, I had so much fun and actually he did, too… He was probably just giving me a hard time.

Art & Music
Mandala Making
Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay till the end of the festival because I went to attend the Outstanding Student Award Ceremony to support my friend Amber. She got nominated for outstanding student for Phi Theta Kappa!!! Amazing.. I heard from other ambassadors that the last few bands that played were absolutely wonderful, and a friend of mine even got back to me and said that the festival was really enjoyable and that it was perfect for distressing before this busy finals week… What a great day!! I hope that the next generation of ambassadors will be as enthusiastic as this one I was a part of. I can’t wait to see the progress and evolution of this outstanding organization. I love you SBCC Ambassadors ❤️

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Let’s Get Fancy: Honors Program Gala

Honors Program Co-Presidents
I have always been an overachiever and I will keep on being one because it is just so rewarding! Since I enrolled at Santa Barbara City College, I have been part of the Honors Program, and no semester went by without taking an honors class. Taking honors classes could be described as a FREE upgrade of your college education… Come on! Who doesn’t like FREE things? So, I immediately took this amazing chance of making my college career even more successful though joining the program, and just a few days ago I received the invitation to the Honors Program gala

At the end of every spring semester, the Honors Program organizes a gala to congratulate the students who have completed the Honors Certificate through taking at least six honors classes before receiving an Associate Degree or transferring. I finished the honors certificate this semester and I could not wait to dress fancy, meet with my honors peers, and receive the Honors Program stole!!! The event was held at the John Dunn Gourmet Dining Room where there was lots of free food and fancy tables. As soon as I arrived I saw all my friends dressed up on point for the event and we enjoyed eating dinner together.

Right after dinner, Professor Melanie Eckford-Prossor stood up and delivered a wonderful speech that reminded me the wonderful, and at the same time painful times, of my English 110 class with her. Professor MEP is one of the best professors I have ever taken, and her class was so open minding and inspiring that now I reason and analyze things in a total different way. Before taking her class I was scared to write papers, during the class I was terrified to write my papers, but after taking the class I can nail down any essay that is assigned to me. Today it was the day that repaid me for my all the efforts… I stood up, stated my name and received the Honors Program stole. Amazing day.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Birthday Scavenger Hunt

Jeannine's Breakfast
Today it was the day… Oh yes! It was my 20th birthday!! Now I am officially not a teen but also not an adult yet!! What a weird number the number twenty.. kind of meaningless. But even if turning 20 is not such a big deal, it doesn’t mean that it doesn't have to be celebrated as if it was a big deal!! I didn’t plan anything special for today but it turned out to be such a wonderful and special day!! I have to thank so much my friends who made it so amazing and super duper fun.

Runnin' (The "secrets" to all men’s dreams)
The day started with an amazing brunch at Jeannine’s with Shivani, Amber and Sebastian. It was so delicious and the atmosphere was priceless… so relaxing!!! After breakfast we all went to meet at Ralph’s other SBCC students and friends for the last Phi Theta Kappa event: The Scavenger Hunt!!! We were five teams and I was the “captain” of my team composed of Amber, Shivani, Sebastian and I. Sherwin was the one who organized the scavenger hunt and he would send us the guidelines by text while we were driving to accomplish the task he assigned us. We had to solve 10 enigmas and find the place described by the enigma. Once we found out the places we had to go and take a selfie of the whole team in front of it. We were so competitive and we did everything possible to accomplish the tasks. 

The squads :)
After we sent all the selfies and received the confirmation, Sherwin gave us one last enigma so that we could find him and finish the race. As we were going to the place to meet Sherwin we found him not he road right behind us!!! Unfortunately we arrived to the location a few seconds after Maddy’s car team… Well, since the goal was to find Sherwin and we found him first, then we could say that it was a tie (or even if you don’t agree, let’s say that just because it was my birthday and I had to win anyways LOL). What an amazing race… I could have never wished anything better that this… After the scavenger hunt I kept on celebrating with my friends till late at night… One of the best birthdays!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Free Yoga With Professor Brett Land pt. 2!

This semester I decided to organize another “Free Yoga With Professor Brett Land” event for my Phis Theta Kappa project, and I really hope that this event will become a tradition for PTK at SBCC!! This time I already knew who to contact for making this event possible and the organization of the event was pretty easy… Well, easy is a word that should be erased from any dictionary because nothing is easy! Keep on reading and I’ll explain to you what happened.

In order to host an event at SBCC on the West Campus Lawn it is necessary to fill out a form that is found in the Special Events office of SBCC. Like last year, I filled out the form, had the advisors sign it and I submitted it, convinced that the event would been approved without any problem. Just three days before the event’s date, I received an email that prevented the event from happening if Professor Brett Land didn’t have an insurance that listed SBCC as one of the studios where he taught yoga. Obviously, Professor Land teaches just english at SBCC and the insurance is just for the studio he works for.. Well… after numerous complications we had to cancel the event……..

However, on Wednesday during our weekly PTK meeting, the advisors proposed a solution. We moved the event off campus at Leadbetter Beach and we finally got to keep the event!!! Unfortunately, many people didn't come because they didn’t see anybody on the West Campus lawn.. But in the end about 15 people came and we had a wonderful private yoga class with the amazing Brett Land!! I am so glad that we didn't give up and fought for having this event. Oh and by the way, this is MY last event for PTK ever!!! Yes… My community college honors society experience has reached its end…

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Let’s Do Something Important!

Phi Theta Kappa is ALWAYS up to something. Sometimes there is just so many things to do for PTK that I start wondering if they should make it a life experience class… Yes, I said that because I have to admit that I usually spend much more time doing things for Phi Theta Kappa than homework for my actual classes! Crazy, I know… But it is just so much fun, and so interesting to attend the events we schedule!! (Check out the roll ups I created for PTK in the picture right here… it was a LONG process but they turned out AWESOME —>)

This weekend I have attended in one day the Walk For Water and the Walk For Science with the PTK leadership and I have loved to take part of these two walks!!! I have really enjoyed chatting with Professor Sanders and discuss a variety of different topics school and non-school related. And I have also felt awesome to be part of something bigger than myself. I just love participating in events that raise awareness for such important issues… Cool cool!

Face painting + new tiptop
Lastly, today I went to the Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival!!! This activity wasn’t a PTK Activity but I attended it with my good friend and Phi Theta Kappa VP Amber, and Shivani, another close friend of mine that I probably have mentioned already. I attended the Earth Day Festival also last year, and its is just amazing to see how many people have brilliant and innovative ideas that don’t concert the annihilation of out Planet’s gifts and resources. At the festival I checked out all the interesting booths (one was even making skateboard from the recycled material retrieved from fishing nets.. wow), and then I ended up buying a really cute t-shirt and a phone case WITH CREDIT CARD POCKETS on its back!!! After leaving the festival it was time to come back to reality and actually do some school work…

Friday, April 21, 2017

PTK Traditions: Bowling Night!

Weird names, uh!
For who still thinks that Phi Theta Kappa is just all about academics and boring intellectual activities: you are absolutely wrong. Just look at what we have organized tonight—> A BOWLING NIGHT!!! For many years the SBCC PTK Leadership has organized a bowling night for all the honors society members as a semester wrap-up event. Drinks and pizza were being served as we were knocking down bowling pins wearing clown shoes.

All in this together
I have played bowling a dozen times throughout my whole life and I have always been pretty good at it… But this night… I was sooo sooo bad!! Maybe I was never good, and tonight, the luck that usually accompanies me during bowling nights was taking a break doing a bonfire at the beach or drinking beer in a pub. Or maybe it was all because I decided to wear a dress definitely to short for practicing this noble sport. Well… I just gave up and bowled without moving any part of my body but my left arm (I’m left handed, yay!)…

My cuties 
It is always really entertaining to see that even professors are humans. Professor Sanders and Professor Eisentraut joined the group and played like professionals! I really loved spending time with these two inspirational professors, and some of the people who are now the closest friends I have at SBCC.. I will miss nights like this after I will leave this wonderful place…

Saturday, April 15, 2017

And The LAST Times Start To Get Real

We are so cute
My first semester at SBCC was all about first times: first semester, first house, first friends, first memories, first professors, first experiences and I could keep going forever… But now, well.. Now, it is a whole different story!! Everything is starting to be preceded by this melancholic word: LAST… Who would have though that my LAST semester in the #1 Community College in the nation would have come so quickly…This week, we also had our LAST bloggers meeting and my beloved pesto pizza joined us… But, you know, talking about LAST times is really sad.. let me tell you something that happened recently that ties in with first and last times.

In my English 111 class, Professor Brett Land assigned a really cool assignment to the class: go outside on the SBCC campus, find a meaningful spot to us, and free write for 10 minutes without letting the pen stop it’s flow. On the blank piece of paper we had to write about anything that this spot would evoke in our mind and heart. Well.. I knew exactly where to go and this is what came out:

“The first time I came to visit Santa Barbara City College it was because I got lost, and I sat here, on the edge of this fountain, looking at the green grass and the ocean. I came here running from a surfing class with still my bikini on. Over it, shorts and tints that were sticking to my swim suit, and my hear smelled like ocean. I looked back at the fountain, and noticed in the distance a group of people following a person with a red t-shirt and the white SBCC logo on it. I didn't know yet that everything I was observing with so much care one year later would have become so familiar. The sun was shining and it was spring break for the SBCC students, but the tours of the campus still attracted many people. I quietly joined the group of visitors and listened carefully to the tour guide. Her words still resound in my head: “SBCC is the #1 community college in the nation” she was saying. Now, I am here, and two years have gone by. Everything is still gorgeous and shining. But, it is also home, family and friends now. Leaving this view behind me will be heart breaking but I will always be here.”

It is not perfect writing or grammar but it is what my heard poured genuinely on the sheet of paper I was writing on. I didn’t have to think about it too much because the emotions that the experiences at this college brought me are heavily stamped into my heart… I ❤️ SBCC. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

The First PTK Trivia Night!!

The mastermind of the Trivia Night on the Right
The outstanding host on the Left
In order to become (and remain) a Phi Theta Kappa Leader, each leadership member has to propose a project and make it happen. On the day of my interview, I had a really bad but at the same time really good luck. In fact, everybody was proposing a different project but other two girls and I, came up with the same idea: Trivia Night. Each one of us had planned the trivia night differently but all of us were basically proposing the same project! Fun fact: we all have also really similar but at the same time different names, like our projects: Elisa, Alissa and Elysia. Getting back to the story, in the end the Alissa changed her project with a volunteer event, I changed my project to FREE YOGA (which is going to happen AGAIN on April 27th), and Elysia got to keep the Trivia Night Project.

Teams ready to fight
Yesterday, we finally had the epic Trivia Niiiiiggghtttt!!!! Elysia did an awesome job in recruiting the teams, plan out the whole game and make us have lots of FUN!!! The teams playing were Phi Theta Kappa, Associate Student Government, SBCC Ambassadors and the Sacramento Internship Team. As soon as the game stated, brains were frying and competition was so intense and think that it was almost fogging up the room… Buzzers kept buzzing, and we couldn’t get enough!! It was so much fun!!!!

The super tense final round!!
The fourth and last round had to be played exclusively by the two teams with the higher amount of points. Initially, Phi Theta Kappa was nailing it and I was sure we would have won… But you know.. It was all just to show off. In fact, in the end we decided to let the Sacramento Internship and ASG compete in the final. We were obviously too smart for them 😬. The final round was timed and, you know, when time is involved pressure is in the air!!! Everybody was putting all their effort to win, but there is always just one winner. The Sacramento internship won against ASG and they became the absolute winners of the tournament!!! It has been such an intense but amazing night… I really hope some other future leader will organize this again next year!!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

This Is Weird.. Or Maybe It Is Just Lucidity!

This weekend I had one of the weirdest but at the same time one of the most enlightening and eyeopening experiences of my life. Well… maybe saying “enlightening experience” is a bit too much to describe a festival’s experience, but I believe it definitely exposed me to things that I would have never thought exist. As soon as I arrived on the festival’s sight I immediately felt a loving and passionate atmosphere that pervaded my mind and body. Everything was artsy and free like I love it! People were making music, building things, dancing and spreading love!!

I know that many people cannot bear the “Namaste lifestyle” but for me it is just so fit!! I believe that everything began when my mum stated practicing Tai Chi… Initially, it was just practicing a martial art, but then she started passing onto me various spiritual and life appreciation concepts that were at the core of Lucidity Festival. I loved how caring, accepting and open minded people are at this festival. Everybody from the college student, to the old hippie man to the two years old kid, was harmonically sharing regenerating and relaxing moments. I just loved it!!

At night, my friend Donald, his four housemates and I stayed up dancing and listening to music until 2:00am, and then we went to our tents to be ready for the second Lucid day!! Donald and I didn’t have a tent, however, Donald had big van and we camped inside the van!!! It was super duper cold at night but the sleeping bag that I borrowed from my friend Brian was warm and comfy and I slept thinking that I was in my own bed! The following day we painted, listened to the last artists who were performing on stage and walked around to check out other people’s camp sites and shops. At 5:00 it was time to leave and I was so sad that it was already all over… This was the last edition of Lucidity Festival, but I heard the the organizers are soon going to open a Lucid University!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Sacramento Internship Program

Meeting with Monique Limòn
Today was the last day of the SBCC Sacramento Internship Program and the first day in which I can say that I finally know something about politics… During the internship, I was the only person that wasn’t a Political Science or Economics major but it didn’t matter to me: when I want to learn I don’t care about the circumstances!! I have to thank so much Doctor Eskandari for organizing this unique trip to Sacramento, and for opening my mind on topics that I never thought I would ever look into. 

On the Senate floor
It was DEFINITELY a looooonnnggg week this week but it was totally worth it! The only moment we had to rest was the first day of the trip in which we were left free to visit Sacramento. However, as soon as the week started we would start our days at 8:00 am and walk around offices, fancy rooms and buildings and get back home at 5:00 pm… Our schedule was super tight but perfectly on point: every day we would have a series of meeting with politicians and we were allowed to ask informative questions. At the end of every single day I was so exhausted that a nap on a towel next to the swimming pool was a MUSTDO. 

At the Governor's Office!!
During the internship we met so many important people and we had the opportunity to ask numerous questions to politicians that just few have the privilege to meet. In addition to our wonderful meeting with people like the Attorney General or the President pro Tempore of the California State Senate, we had the chance to go to the offices of politicians and get internships at The Capitol!!! My friend Suki had the wonderful opportunity to get an internship at Governor Jerry Brown’s office!!! Isn’t that amazing?!? I wasn't interested in getting any internships but at least I met the Governor as he was speaking in favor of the S.B.1 Transportation Bill!! Wow… I would need twenty post to explain how much I learned during this internship… If you are interested in knowing more about politics and make connections with important politicians just join this internship in Spring 2018!! 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sacramento here we come!!

Spring Break Movie Nights
Even if this year spring break has been just spending time with my friends in Santa Barbara, today a new fun chapter of this spring break has started: the Sacramento internship!! Lately, I have just done lots of barbecues and watched movies… Now, let’s get serious, let’s suit up and let’s start a cool internship!!! I would have never thought that I would have joined this internship because it is aimed to Political Science majors. However, I am always so ignorant about political things that I really wanted to find a way to get involved and actually play a role in this critical political time. 

Yesterday, I spent the whole afternoon packing and making sure to have everything to look perfect for the internship. In fact, we are required to dress formally every day of the internship with a business attire. I brought a few dresses and a couple of suits and some shirts, and along with this I brought casual clothes for the nights in which we will be not be in the Capitol. I am really glad I am joining this internship because not only it will open my eyes on issues that I would have never addressed myself, but also because I will be able to share this experience with lots of my friends!!!

Just the beginning...
Today the train left at 12:40pm and as I am writing we still have seven hour left on this train… This is the longest train ride I have ever been on… Can you imagine that in the same 12 hours I can get back to Italy with a plane?!? I will have to update you soon about everything that will happen next week. I am so excited about this experience and I can’t wait to share this experience with you guys!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

4 Couples, 5 Singles, 6 Flags

Six Flags Squad at 6:00pm
Aside from hanging out in Santa Barbara, going shopping and enjoy hiking, this Wednesday I went to Six Flags with the best group of people. I was supposed to go with them to Catalina Island and relax for four days, but since we organized everything to late we ended up going all together to Six Flags for just one day. Some of the people were involved in the Honors Programs, some other in Phi Theta Kappa and the rest were in a relationship with one of the Honors Program or PTK members. It was a really cute and sweet group and we all got so along!!!

At 8:30am we met at Amber’s house and we all left to get to Six Flags as soon as possible. By 10:30 we were already running toward the first ride. Since it was a weekday, there were very little people and we got in so many rides in a very short time!!!! The cool thing about this group was that all the people were willing to go on any ride and so pretty much stayed the whole time together!!! The best ride was X2 and it was sooooooo cool!! Our feet were hanging and the rollercoaster was twisting around at such high speed!!! I don’t know why but I never get scared of the roleercosters and so I love to look at the panorama around me when I get on them… (I know I’m weird…).

The park closed at 6:00pm and we were all exhausted… the only thing we had left to do was eating a warm meal. We went to a place called The Lazy Dog in Oxnard where The Collection is. As soon as we got in and we asked for a table for 13 people they thought we were joking and they didn’t take us seriously. But then, when they realized we were actually serious they found a spot on the patio outside around the fire place… So cute and sweeeeett!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mini-Food Fair Experiment

Yesterday night Linh and I had the greatest idea ever… We decided to make a mini-food fair at her house inviting some other SBCC Ambassadors and friends. As I probably mentioned in more than one post before, I LOVE Linh’s Vietnamese Egg Rolls, and she loves my Italian Tiramisu… So why not combining Egg Rolls with Tiramisu for dessert?!? That’s what we did, and it turned out to be absolutely amazing… Initially it was supposed to be just me and her, but in the end we ended up being around seven people and our friend Kim added to the menu Japanese curry!!!

At 6:00 o’clock, Jessica and I left to buy the ingredients for the tiramisu and then we went straight to Linh’s house. As soon as we arrived we started off with making the mix for the egg rolls and everybody was taking down notes to steal Linh’s recipe. Then, once the mix was ready everyone of us started rolling the rolls!! They looked so cute!! And I was actually able to make  the after Linh instructed me. While we were rolling the last egg rolls, I started to prepare the ingredients for the tiramisu. Tiramisu seems really hard and sophisticated, but it is actually super easy!! The whole process is just mixing a bunch of sugar, eggs and mascarpone cheese and then layer cookies and the mascarpone cream, finally top everything with cocoa powder… Isn’t it so easy? Easy it is and delicious, too!!!

At around 8:30 we started eating the egg rolls and the Japanese Curry.. OMG so gooooooooddddd!!! We were all sitting down and eating at the same time together… I felt like I was back home and having dinner together with my family… Here in America is really hard to cook dinner at home and share a meal with friends or neighbors. I missed it so much, and I loved that not only I had dinner with some of my close friends, but also I enjoyed food that I don’t find anywhere but in restaurants!! We are planning on doing this again… Let’s get ready for Mexican/Italian/Asian dinner!!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Let’s do it! Three, Two, One… Soccer Tournament

Everybody playing so hard..
This weekend it was extremely busy! After this Friday’s Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony, the SBCC Ambassadors organized the yearly soccer tournament!! Every time every Ambassador, and especially the Committee leaders organizing the event (Stellan and I), are super worried that people won’t show up for the tournament. It is an extremely delicate situation because if we don't get the teams, the international office has to pay for the referees from their own pocket, and it’s a lot of money!!! However, even if at the beginning we had barely 3 teams and a list of about ten people without a team, on Friday we managed to get a total of TEN TEAMS!!! 
Jamela thought I was too red...

Getting the teams is always the toughest part, but as soon as we get the teams, we sort out the Saturday and Sunday schedule and we are ready to go!!! The Ambassadors checked-in the payers and gave them a wristband after they paid the 10 dollars for the tournament. Every team was giving the best and I am glad I decided not to play at the last minute… I would have probably been killed by a ball going at 40miles an hour!!! Even if this tournament is just an amateur tournament, all the players always turn out to be astonishingly good!!! 

The Winnerrrrssss!!!
While I was supervising the tournament with some other Ambassadors, we played around with a soccer ball and tried to entertain the people sitting on the side of the field. I love the atmosphere that happy people can create!!! This is why I always try to act as crazy as possible and I try to make people laugh and feel good… The world is always a better place when people are happy!!! Yahoo!!! On Sunday I didn’t have the chance to show up and so I didn't see the end of the tournament. But I know it has beed a great success and I am so happy that even in Spring 2017 the Ambassadors soccer tournament was such a great turnout!!!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Let’s Be Formally Formal: PTK Induction

Today the Phi Theta Kappa Leadership organized the acclaimed Induction Ceremony to officially induct the new officers and members of the wonderful Phi Theta Kappa Family. The Induction Ceremony is held every year at the East Campus cafeteria at SBCC and it welcomes all the PTK inductees, officially makes them part of the PTK family and offers them a buffet with coffee, cookies, sandwiches and a CONGRATULATIONS CAKE!! The ceremony officially started at 4.30pm and everybody was seated and ready to hear the Induction speakers.

While we waited for the last few people to come into the cafeteria and take a seat, my friend and old blogger, Cameron Gonzales, played pleasant music with his guitar to accompany the wonderful afternoon. Immediately after the guitar stopped playing, Adam, the PTK President, started speaking, then the president of SBCC Mr. Beebe gave a wonderful motivational speech and finally Professor Mark Sanders officially inducted the new PTK members and the new PTK Officers! After that, everybody went to eat the Congratulations cake, and happily conversed.

I was the official Photographer of the event with my brand new camera Canon 80D… I loved taking pictures of the event and seeing all the smiles that people were giving each other naturally… Happiness! Then, towards the end of the ceremony, Professors Mark Sanders called out all the inductees for a group picture and we looked all so cute and professional… After the picture everybody started leaving and we couldn’t be more happy about the turnout of this event. And by the way, now I am officially a Phi Theta Kappa Officer and Leader!!!