Monday, November 7, 2016

Color Run, Always Fun!

Happy, Healthy, Hearty
This weekend I had the splendid opportunity to participate to my very first Color Run!! And guys, it wasn’t a normal color run, and let me give you three quick reasons why it wasn’t ordinary. First of all, it was in Los Angeles and right for this event some streets and stadiums of this super busy and crowded city were closed and decorated!! Second, it was specifically called The Color Run Night, and therefore, it took place at night, and the colors that were thrown on people would glow in the dark. How cool is that?! And lastly, it was with five very awesome people who made everything even more special!! Too cool to be real… But it happened!!

Saturday late afternoon, my friends and I left the lovely Santa Barbara and drove toward the super busy and trafficked Los Angeles. In the craziness of this town’s streets it took us there hours to arrive to the color run location, but it took us just a few seconds to get ready for the adventure! In fact, after a super quick check-in, getting a super cool t-shirt, and glowing tattoos we were ready to RUUUUUN!!!! Ok, I have to be honest, we ran just the first 600 feet because of excitement… when we burn off all the excitement, we pretty much walked, talked and enjoyed being around happy and healthy people!!! Don’t tell anybody, but even a mum with a stroller with two kids in it passed us, but you know, sweating it’s just so annoying!

And here we are!
With glowing lights on our heads and comfortable snickers, we walked through 5 different color stations with people throwing color powder onto us, and each one of them was marking a kilometer. Besides, there were two other stations in which there were soap bubbles with color powder in them that after being popped would color all of us!!! The vibes of this environment were making us feel relaxed, happy and all colorful! For the first time in my entire life I had the chance to feel like a unicorn and spread happiness and colors everywhere!! Yahoo!!! I simply loved this experience, and I can’t wait to attend another color run maybe in another American city!!!

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