First successful Poster!!! |
I have had many doubts about my future career… I am always so interested in many different things and I find it so hard to focus on just one thing! I like to gain knowledge in every single field from astronomy to environmental studies, from film production to mathematics, and I just believe I will never stick to one thing in the future… I just love experimenting and learning new things!! Lately I had the chance to put my self up with Graphic Design… What an experience!! Let me tell you everything about right here in this post!
Since I started this busy Fall 2016 semester, I have found myself involved in numerous activities, programs and clubs, and most of them have as their main focus to gather up students and building a community at SBCC through the organization of events. Well, in most of the things I am involved with I am usually the Public Relation Vice-President or the Historian, and therefore I am responsible for the marketing of the events. How can you market an event if you don’t have a poster to advertise it? …yes, without having any knowledge about graphic design, I found myself to be the responsible person to create the posters of every event. OMG… A totally new world for me, and a fairly challenging one!
Upcoming event!!! Come to this! |
The first time I had to create a poster was for the event Pondering Politics, organized by PTK. My first attempt was a total failure… We ended up contacting one of Michael’s friends, the PTK Leadership Vice-president, in order to have a decent poster done in time… So embarrassing. My second attempt was much more successful!! In order to make the poster for the Faculty Colloquium PTK event I sought help from the great SBCC graphic designer, Melanie Belanger, who gave me some essential advice in order to create a poster on point!! From that day, I have been much more comfortable in the creation of posters, and I feel like I could even pursue this career! It is so much fun!!! But I still think I’ll most likely stick with film production, though…
After making other posters for 2020 A Year Without War and Phi Theta Kappa, I won’t look at posters in the same way. They seem easy colored piece of papers with some pictures and lines of text on it, but they are much more than that! Balance, composition, details… Everything must be taken into account! I have never thought that graphic designers had to go through all that… Amazing profession!
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